St Andrew's C of E (VA) Primary




At St Andrew’s we believe in giving our pupils the confidence to express their thoughts, so that they know that their ideas and opinions will be listened to and valued.  We believe in teaching our children the skills to communicate effectively and with a purpose.  One of the methods we use is to encourage our children to become leaders from an early age and take responsibility for the running of the school.  We have the following leadership roles:

Pupil Parliament is made up of two representatives from each class from Year 1 to Year 6. These children meet regularly to discuss and resolve common issues and work on projects to enhance school life.

Members of Parliament these are two children in Year 6 chosen by the Senior Leadership Team to run Pupil Parliament and repot back to school leaders and to the whole school.

House Captains candidates are invited from Year 5 and are interviewed by the current House Captains and two per house are selected.  They have to be positive role models and be prepared to motivate their team.  House Captains share their results in assembly and provide an inspirational message.  They lead House Assemblies and take time to review progress within the school.  At the end of the school year, the House that achieves the highest score wins the House Shield and the current captains have their names engraved on the shield. 

Ambassadors our Year 6 children write a letter of application to be considered for this role. They have the responsibility of planning a short guided tour of our school. Parents and visitors are greeted by our confident and polite Ambassadors and shown around the school. Our Ambassadors respond to questions and enjoy feedback from the many visitors we have had.

Play Leaders are trained in Year 5 by the Play Leaders in Year 6 and their role is to enable more positive play with the younger children.  This can be through organising particular games or supporting with new skills.

Worship Acolytes are children from Year 3 and Year 4 who apply for this position and are in post for two years. They meet with the Worship leader to lead and plan Collective worship.  They also have responsibility to evaluate their assemblies with children throughout the school.

Eco-Warriors children from Year 2 have the responsibility for reducing our carbon footprint and ensuring that the school is environmentally friendly. the school is environmentally friendly. environmentally friendly.

History and Geography Champions At St Andrew’s we want to ensure the children fulfil their potential and become all-round citizens with the skills needed to succeed in life. We want all children to feel passionate about their learning, including Geography and History.   

The History and Geography Champions have an important role at St Andrew’s. Each half-term, the champions meet with the subject leader to discuss how the learning of History and Geography could be enhanced and improved. It is an opportunity for the children to champion their own subject within our school and share their views about the curriculum.  

Librarians In the beginning of this year, we worked hard to revamp our library. We curated and organised the books, made new displays and seating areas.

Our librarians were appointed soon after this. Each one wrote a letter to show their commitment to supporting children’s reading and to developing their love of books.

During the week, our librarians spend time in the library, reading to children and supporting them when finding new and interesting books. They also record the books that are barrowed and returned and make the library a magical place by creating book displays.

Our librarians are very special people and are so important to developing our culture of reading.