Severe Weather
As we prepare for some colder periods of weather, please see the information below about possible school closures during severe weather. The Headteacher and Chair of Governors will make the decision about whether the school will close or remain open.
Severe Weather
If the school has to close due to severe weather, you will receive both a text message and an email to your priority contact’s account. We will aim to send this by 7am. Please ensure that we have your current email address and mobile telephone number. Please do not telephone the school as the phone lines will not be open.
We will also post this information on our school Facebook page and the school website.
On subsequent days, you will be able to view the school’s website to see the school’s status. You will also receive an email when the school reopens. Please monitor your emails during this period.
If the school closure extends beyond one day, home learning will be set on the Class Dojo for families to engage with remotely.
Please also ensure that you have a local plan in place if we have to close the school early and children need collecting from school during the day. Please ensure that you have already given the school consent to dismiss your child to any adults on that plan. We will not be able to dismiss your child to an unfamiliar adult without your consent.