School Uniform
The following items are all required unless otherwise stated:
- White polo shirt with school logo or plain white polo shirt
- Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo or plain blue sweatshirt or cardigan
- Grey skirt or pinafore or trousers (no combat pockets)
- Grey shorts or royal blue checked dress (summer only)
- Grey or black socks
- White socks (summer only)
- Black shoes (not fashion shoes, trainers or boots)
- Hair slides and bands should in school colours. Bandanas are not permitted
- Long hair must be tied back. Fashion cuts are not permitted.
- Nail varnish, make up or body transfers are not permitted.
- Children are not allowed to wear jewellery other than plain, flat gold or silver studs, if their ears are pierced. These must be removed by the child before PE or covered with surgical tape.
Children should bring their PE kit to school in a named drawstring bag (not a rucksack)
- Trainers
- White ankle socks
- Plain white cotton t-shirt or polo shirt. (The current blue house t-shirt is being phased out but is still available from Beat School Uniform if you prefer)
- Navy shorts or skort (not cycling shorts)
- OPTIONAL plain navy tracksuit or school tracksuit
The school is an all-weather school and children are expected to be outside in all conditions. They therefore need to be prepared and will need to bring:
- All year: appropriate wet-weather clothing, incl. wellington boots for younger children
- In winter: a hat, warm coat and gloves
- In summer: sun hat
Our school uniform is available from Beat School Uniforms in Hermitage Road, Hitchin or you can purchase plain uniform in the appropriate colours at various stores, incl. supermarkets.
Please click below to access their website:
Our PTA (SASA) hold regular second hand uniform events where families may make donations or take any items free of charge which they need. If families need any further assistance with school uniform, please speak with the office and this will be held in confidence.
Thank you