St Andrew's C of E (VA) Primary


How to raise a concern

On a day to day basis many decisions are made to ensure we are providing the best education for all pupils in a safe environment. Such decisions take into account the needs of all pupils at St Andrew’s CofE (VA) Primary School.

There may be occasions when you have a concern about your child’s education or wellbeing whilst a pupil at St Andrew’s CofE (VA) Primary School.

Please help us to consider your concern and attempt resolution in the first instance by bringing this to the class teacher’s attention. If you feel unable to speak with the class teacher, please request a meeting with the head teacher/ assistant head via the school office and provide brief written details of what you would like to discuss in a sealed envelope.

A policy is in place to deal with concerns raised by parents/carers (Complaints Policy) and is accessible on our school website under Statutory Information, Key Policies. Bypassing the procedure could result in a delay of your concerns being dealt with in a reasonable time.