Year 5 blog
Monday 9 December 2024 Cycling Squares In maths this week we have been learning about square and cubed numbers.
Monday 2 December 2024 A Fishy Week This week, along with other classes in the school, we have been developing a new art installation .
Tuesday 19 November 2024 Beginning our new science topic Today, year 5 had a very exciting start to our new science topic on materials - a visit from the STEM Discovery Centre.
Wednesday 13 November 2024 Anti-bullying Week in Year 5 This years anti-bullying week theme is around respect.
Sunday 10 November 2024 Who was James 'Scotty' Paton? This term, during our English lessons, we have been learning about the Endurance Expedition carried out by Shackleton and his crew.
Sunday 10 November 2024 Exploration This week, year 5 performed their class assembly around the theme of exploration. We talked about three main areas - space exploration, historical exploration that helped us to understand Mayan culture and the Endurance Expedition carried out by Shackleton and his crew.
Thursday 24 October 2024 What is God like?
Wednesday 23 October 2024 Our Fruit Solar System Today in science, we took our understanding of the solar system to a new level.
Wednesday 23 October 2024 Bayfordbury Observatory As part of our science topic on the Earth in Space, we had an exciting visit to Bayfordbury observatory.
Saturday 12 October 2024 Sundials On Friday this week, year 5 made the most of a rare sunny day. We made and tested sundials.
Monday 7 October 2024 Our Cultures
Tuesday 18 June 2024 What is geography? Over the past few days, year 5 have been thinking about the important role of geographers in our world.
Tuesday 11 June 2024 The oneness of God Today, year 5 made a visit to Hitchin Mosque. We had a wonderful time learning about the Muslim way of life.
Tuesday 11 June 2024 Action Against Poverty This Christian Aid week, we thought about what poverty means and how it effects the our world.
Tuesday 14 May 2024 Outdoor Angles Today in maths, we reinforced our understanding of angles as amounts of turn by looking for different angle types in our playground.
Tuesday 14 May 2024 Making Hitchin More Like Heaven
Saturday 4 May 2024 Spotting Scientific Patterns This week, we began learning about how humans change through out their lives.
Saturday 27 April 2024 Top Trump Data To begin our computing topic on databases, we played a game or two of Top Trumps. This helped us to understand what is meant by a complete database, a record and a field.
Tuesday 16 April 2024 You Rang My Lord! Today, Year 5 had a wonderful time developing their history skills and learning what life was like for the servants at Audley End. After taking a tour of the house itself and inferring about the kinds of values the family who lived there might have held, they entered into the life of a servant.
Tuesday 16 April 2024 The Stations of the Cross Despite the difficult whether, Year 5 presented a very professional and engaging performance of the stations of the cross for the rest of the school. It really brought the Easter story to life and gave the other children the opportunity to think about the true meaning of the most important event in the Christian calendar. Their hard work and dedication shone through and the children should be very proud of their efforts.
Monday 25 March 2024 Seasonal Feasting During our design and technology lessons, we have be been learning about the value of eating food that is in season.
Tuesday 12 March 2024 The Easter Story Today we were lucky enough to experience the Easter Journey at St. Paul's Church in Letchworth.
Monday 11 March 2024 World Book Day Fun
Monday 26 February 2024 Hindu Worship During R.E. week, we learnt about the way in which Hindu people worship using home shrines. We thought carefully about what this tells us of their view of God.
Sunday 18 February 2024 Dragon Hunt "We went on a dragon hunt, we tried to catch a big one. It was beautiful day but if we are totally honest, we were a little bit scared!"
Sunday 18 February 2024 Plastic Free! On Wednesday 7th February, we were lucky enough to have a visit from the Plastic Free Hitchin organisation.
Saturday 3 February 2024 Living or non-living Thursday afternoon was beautifully sunny and warm for this time of year and year 5 took the opportunity to do a little outdoor learning.
Saturday 27 January 2024 Working Scientifically To complete our materials topic, we looked into the work of Patsy Sherman, the scientist who discovered and developed Scotchgard.
Saturday 13 January 2024 Our favourite places Along with other classes in our school, year 5 have begun the term by basing our English learning around the text - Here We Are. This week we thought about our favourite places and drew them using a range of different media. We then described them in poems. We thought carefully about the language we selected and developed our ability to write noun phrases.
Saturday 23 December 2023 Happy Christmas We have had a wonderful time with our Christmas crafting this year. The children have worked very diligently and produced really high quality Christmas cards and tree decorations.
Monday 18 December 2023 Sharing our learning As we have now published our planet non-chronological texts, we decided that buddy playtime was the ideal time to share them.
Monday 4 December 2023 Our visit into space Last week, year 5 were lucky enough to visit the STEM Discovery Centre in Stevenage. This organisation is linked to Airbus - the company which designs many of the elements that are used to explore our solar system. During our visit, we heard stories based around our galaxy and completed an activity about the spacing of planets in our solar system. Finally, were able to see some of the space rovers the company are currently developing in the viewing gallery. During our break time, we were able to explore some of the games in the playroom which reinforced our understanding of various scientific concepts. Thank you to the three supportive parents who accompanied us – we couldn’t have done it without you.
Sunday 19 November 2023 A Cosmic Family Learning Week This week we were lucky enough to be able to welcome members of our family into our class to share our learning experiences.
Sunday 19 November 2023 What is our solar system really like? The majority of our learning out the planets in our solar system comes from books and the internet. The pictures and diagrams often give us a false impression of the sizes of the planets and the distances between them.
Sunday 5 November 2023 Farming the Mayan Way This week, in history, we have been learning about the different methods the Ancient Mayans used to farm. Having originally began as hunter gatherers, they soon developed a series of very effective farming methods.
Sunday 15 October 2023 A Holy and Loving God This week in R.E. we learnt about the nature of God. Having examined different descriptions in the Bible, we discovered that Christians believe God is both holy and loving.
Friday 6 October 2023 Sundials Year 5 made the most of the autumn sun today as they tracked the position of the sun using their home made sundials.
Friday 29 September 2023 Our Cultures Our history question for this term is surrounds the Mayan culture and we are going to investigate if effected their decision to leave their jungle cities.
Friday 15 September 2023 Our Prayers For the Year Prayer is an important part of our school day. It calms us and helps us to think about our school values.
Monday 4 September 2023 First Day Boxes The first day of a new school year is always an exciting time. You are never quite sure what to expect.
Sunday 2 July 2023 Designer Tents Our final design and technology project for this year is to design and make a model of a tent. We aim to make our tents more comfortable and easier to use and the ones that are on the market at the moment.
Thursday 18 May 2023 A Mindful Afternoon As part of our healthy school's week, year 5 investigated the importance of maintaining mental health. Mindful mediation is a good way of help do this and we had a go at a five minute mediation as a class.
Tuesday 16 May 2023 More outdoor angles As part of outdoor learning week, year 5 carried out further investigations into angles. We stood in various spots around the playground, rotated through certain angles (such as 315 degrees anti-clockwise) and noted our new direction.
Friday 5 May 2023 The New School Magazine This week we are very proud to announce the publication of the first edition of our school magazine - The Saint. This has been produced and edited by three very dedicated and talented members of year 5.
Wednesday 3 May 2023 Outdoor Angles Have you ever noticed the vast array of angles that are in our everyday environment. Today, we made special angle classifiers and investigated the types of angles we could see in our playground.
Sunday 30 April 2023 Gestation This week we began our new science topic on human growth. We began by thinking about how mammals reproduced and learned what is meant by the gestation period.
Sunday 30 April 2023 Amulets Have you ever thought about the meaning behind the clothes and or Jewellery you wear. the Ancient Mayans wore jewellery that had great significance.
Saturday 1 April 2023 Seasonal Cooking Over the last few weeks, we have been planning a range of seasonal recipes using more seasonal ingredients.
Sunday 26 March 2023 The Journey to the Cross As Easter approaches, we have been learning about the Stations of the Cross during R.E.
Saturday 18 March 2023 Science week This week, year 5 carried out a wide range of interesting scientific activities.
Saturday 11 March 2023 Investigating Jewellery Design This week, we began our investigation into the world of Ancient Mayan Jewellery. We carried out research into how it was made and why it was so important to the Mayan people.
Friday 3 March 2023 The World of Non-fiction This year, our World Book Day event centred around non-fiction texts. Year 5 brought in a wonderful array of books, including texts about ballet, The Ancient Egyptians, cricket stars and pet dogs. Their imaginative costumes added great excitement to our day. Back in class we described our books to our friends and produced posters designed to encourage to delve into them.
Tuesday 28 February 2023 The life cycle of a flowering plant
Monday 27 February 2023 We're going on a dragon hunt This term we are reading the text - Dragonology.
Monday 27 February 2023 What happened when the Vikings invaded Lindisfarne? Have you ever wondered what it would have been like to be part of the Viking invasion of Lindisfarne
Sunday 22 January 2023 Materials Workshop On Friday morning, we were lucky enough to have a workshop led by SETPOINT. This completed our science topic on materials.
Sunday 15 January 2023 Thermal Insulation When we began our journey into thermal insulation, the temperature had not risen above 0 degrees C in a week. We really needed to keep warm.
Saturday 3 December 2022 The Art of Being a Mayan This term, our artwork has been centred around the Mayan way of life. We began by creating fabric squares. We used our printing skills to present our views about the way Mayans lived. Some of us created an abstract piece of work portraying farming life, while others created work showing the importance Mayans place on astronomy. We now plan to enhance them using our embroidery skills.
Friday 18 November 2022 Family Learning Week Year 5 have had a very exciting family learning week. We have carried out a range of activities where we have had to apply our scientific and design knowledge to solve problems. On Tuesday, we designed tiny breath powered rockets. We worked hard to add features that allowed them to travel the greatest distance possible. Wednesday saw us develop tin foil boats using our knowledge of upthrust and gravity. Finally on Thursday we solved a mystery using the separation technique of chromatography. During each session we came to recognise how vital it was to work as a team and listen to each other carefully.
Sunday 13 November 2022 Into The Weddell Sea Shackleton's expedition was full of danger and difficulty. At one point, the Endurance had to push its way through packed ice.
Saturday 5 November 2022 How big is our solar system?
Saturday 5 November 2022 Holy or Loving? During the autumn term, we have been thinking about the holy and loving nature of God.
Saturday 15 October 2022 Shackleton and his crew The crew that Earnest Shackleton put together for his Endurance expedition to the Antarctic where an interesting bunch.
Saturday 8 October 2022 Why does the sun rise in the east and set in the west?
Thursday 29 September 2022 Adventures into the world of Lego WeDo This week we have begun to investigate how programme and control devises that work away from the computer itself.
Monday 26 September 2022 Rounding Numbers This week's maths has been all about developing the skill of rounding to the nearest multiple of 10, 100 or 1000. This is a very important skill as it means we can estimate the answers to calculations.
Monday 19 September 2022 The Queen in Colour and Line This week, both our English and art work have been reflective of Her Majesty The Queen.
Sunday 11 September 2022 What does it mean to be well educated?
Tuesday 7 June 2022 Hurray for Hudnall The sun shone for us today at Hudnall and we had a wonderful time.
Tuesday 7 June 2022 A joyful jubilee Year 5 had a wonderful day celebrating the Jubilee. We began our day with maths fluency around the number 70 and problems involving finding the fractions of The Queen's life she has spent on different things.
Friday 27 May 2022 Fair Trade
Friday 27 May 2022 Outdoor Learning In honour of thejubilee, this term outdoor learning project is based around trees.
Monday 23 May 2022 Christian Aid The Worship Acolytes from both years 3 and 5 planned a wonderful range of activities for Christian Aid Day.
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